Together, we can

Over 4 years and thousands of hours tutored, hundreds of students have changed their futures using our guidance

Why was Greenhill Academics Founded?

Greenhill Academics was founded by Russell Greenhill in 2021 in Folkestone, Kent.

At school, Russell aspired to achieve top grades, and yet dropped through the cracks during A-levels, leaving a void between his ambition and reality. For years, he thought that studying was not for him; people have different strengths, of course. But there was always an inquisitive spark that never dissipated. Not clear where to turn, he had a desire for an efficient transfer of information that was left unmet until his undergraduate degree, when a tutor believed in him unwaveringly and aided him to gain admission into the highest ranked university in the world.

The 1:1 environment created both online and in-person allowed engaging and expert-led content to be targeted directly at Russell’s weaknesses, saving time, energy, and effort. Inspired by the effect a committed tutor can make in a student’s life and with the love of academia nurtured within him, he wanted to use the market’s push towards online education to build a business that would return the favour. With connections to some of the world’s leading minds in education, he wanted to make high-quality tuition available to all, wherever the student, whatever the ability or goal. Similar to his old perception, most see elite universities seem like they are in a foreign land, guarded by a moat without a drawbridge. This is absolutely NOT the case. Academia is for all and it welcomes you.

Greenhill Academics was founded as a testament to the way academia should be: inclusive, nurturing, and enjoyable. Through outstanding attainment in their chosen subjects, tutors set examples of academic excellence and studious behaviour. They are informed and capable enough to push students to reach mutually agreed goals whilst minimising the stresses that come from intensive learning. All tutors have undergone an interview and feedback process to ensure the highest quality teaching for our valued students.